Prevention first!

Don’t take your bird outside without a leash. Wing trims are not a guarantee!

Be aware of open windows and doors. Post a DO NOT ENTER sign on all doors when you bird is outside its cage.

Teach your bird to come to your "recall cue," and to fly to a brightly colored "station target" to receive a favorite reward. Also remember to teach the bird to fly down to you from taller and taller perches, door tops, stairwells, and second-floor balconies if available.

My Bird Flew Away! What do I do?

FIRST, Go out and SEARCH immediately. Wings clipped or not, they can get lift and go high. If high in a nearby tree, stay and talk to your bird while someone else gets a ladder if needed. Pet birds raised indoors may not have learned how to fly down and make a downward landing. Hours may pass as the bird finds the courage to flap down. Call your bird, with his name and other words, phrases, or sounds it knows. Make it easy to find you or the cage.

Get your neighbors and children to help search. If the bird is spotted, keep track and don’t look away. Take nets with you or a towel to throw over the bird once caught.

Set the cage out with favorite food and treats, and door open. Keep watch. Play its favorite sounds.

Not in sight, then post signs up around the area, include name, picture. description, and contact info. Withhold band number. Request spotters immediately notify their exact location immediately and keep their eyes on the bird.

Call your local police department, humane society and local vet offices to report it lost. Post on PetFBI on facebook. Notify local bird clubs, lost and found centers.

Once found, give a quick once over to see if a vet trip is necessary.

Personally I had a cockatiel fly off my shoulder outside (my mistake!) Spooked by a loud noise. Flew down the street and landed on shrub outside someone’s front yard. As we were getting a ladder, she got spooked and flew off again. Hours later I spotted her and stood under a huge tree nearby in another neighbors’ back yard encouraging her to come down to me. It took many hours to get her to fly down to me but I had a happy ending! I got her back. Carol